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Hello! My name is Lisa Zader, I joined Global Christian CoOp in 2022 as a volunteer in the classrooms while my son Isaac attended as a student. I am thrilled to be part of a CoOp that offers connection, new ways to learn and especially one that has a heart for Jesus, not religion. I am a wife, mom of 4 and a small business owner, Captured by the Lens Photography. I love photography, telling stories, capturing moments in time and basically, I love people. Each time I pick up a camera I ask God to show me people through HIS EYES and capture what He sees. I have a degree in Communication with concentrations in Public Relations and Journalism. I was the photography editor of my college newspaper and I tutored other students on the importance of their body language in Public Speaking. I've taught college level Communications Classes and worked for a school district Public Relations Office doing layout, design and writing of our district newspaper ads as well as other school program promotions. Teaching people, and continuing to learn about the power of communicating effectively and efficiently is a lifelong passion. Communication happens in many ways, through words- written and spoken, as well as through non verbal- facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, photography, art, style choices and more. Knowledge and understanding are powerful and life changing, both personally and professionally. This applies to communication, which is a lifelong skill, regardless of what occupation your child chooses to pursue.



I am so excited to be offering a Communications class for the 2022-23 school year at Global Christian Co-op! This class will consistently come back to how we can be the powerful people God created us to be by understanding and owning what we are communicating to others through our word choices, tone of voice, expressions and perspectives. This class will learn about how to communicate effectively with hands on lessons in photography, journalistic writing and editing basics. We will also discuss responsible and educated social media creation (and consumption). *Not everything is what it appears and in this day and age we must be wise, using critical thinking as we take in and contribute to the world around us. We will cover photography basics and practice taking photos with DSR cameras as well as cell phone cameras. This will include composition, basic settings, lighting and styles of photography. We will research examples of good journalistic writing and apply critical thinking to the news we read.


The class will work together researching and interviewing to create reports recapping the happenings within the Co-op, as well as practice how to write effective captions and short stories for social media by providing updates and happenings to the Global Christian Co-op Facebook page and the yearbook. In addition to being so much FUN, this class will provide your child with skills that will be applicable in real world relationships and in the job market. I am looking forward to working with your kids next year and sharing my passions with them! Join us each class as I ask God to show us His people through HIS EYES so that we can learn how to best communicate that with others.


This class is for ages 10 and up of ALL abilities. It will be limited to 10 students to help keep it hands on and interactive. There will be a few out of class assignments. It will be offered on Monday and Wednesday at 12:30 for $50 with a $5 sibling discount available. There is a one time $20 supply fee. * Although I feel this class will have the greatest impact if attended on both Monday and Wednesday, I want it to also be available for students that can only attend one of the class days. If this is your situation, please contact me so we can discuss setting aside a few spaces for single day attendance. Payments can be made by cash, check or digitally through VENMO @Lisa Zader or Zelle.

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