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When does Group Learning Day meet for the Fall of 2023?


Group Learning Day meets on Monday’s from 8:15 am – 12:30 p.m. for ages 4 – 12th grade, and will be split into 2 groups for elementary, and middle/high.  The cost is $100/month per family, or $150 for parents who work and cannot stay and help. Students who are taking hour classes and do not have a class or study block will be placed into the group learning day during this time, and will pay a small additional fee of $25 per hour monthly. (Ex: if one or more children from one family have an hour on Mon. from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. without a class, you would pay $25 monthly for all of your children to join group learning day during that hour).


What classes will be graded, and will there be homework?

Elementary electives and group learning day will not be graded, though there may be optional learning sent home that students and parents can choose to do as an extension of learning.  Middle school and high school electives may have assessments and grades depending upon the teacher, and high school core classes and languages will offer some form of assessment and grades that parents can use for transcripts if desired. 


Will you be adding additional classes?

At the moment no, but we are open to adding additional classes in the Fall of 2025.. Please refer any Jesus-loving teachers who are looking to work part-time to us.


What is the maximum number of students per class?

We will have a maximum of around 10 - 12 students/class with the exception of theater, which may have more with parent helpers. If we have more than 10 - 12, we will see about having parent helpers to assist in any given class. 


What is your Covid policy?

All Families will be asked to sign a Covid and liability release form upon joining.  We will encourage frequent hand washing with all-natural soap that co-op provides in bathrooms.  During co-op time, teachers, parent helpers, assistants and staff will avoid conversations on Covid, Vaccines, masks and Politics, as our focus will always be on Jesus, learning and fun.  Each family should choose what is best for them when it comes to wearing a mask or not, (no one will be forced or persuaded either way), and teachers are asked to avoid these topics and redirect the conversation, as these are not salvation issues, and are best talked about among family outside of co-op. Since these areas can cause division as many families feel differently, we seek to avoid these topics during our co-op time. Should someone contract Covid, please let Admin know, stay home from co-op for the recommended amount of days, or until a negative test is received. 


What if there is another lockdown?  Will classes go virtual, or stop meeting?

We will do everything in our power to continue to meet in person.  But, if we cannot legally meet in person and our only option is virtual meeting, it will be up to the individual elective teacher if they choose to continue to the class virtually, but we will do our best to switch to virtual and zoom.  For group learning, we will also try to switch to virtual if possible.  Any families who wish to continue coursework should be able to do so virtually. Reimbursements will not be issued mid-month if this were to happen, nor will there be reimbursements for registration fees, as these events are beyond our control.


How long are the elective classes?

Each class is 50 mins long to allow for transition to the next class.


What if my student has a break between classes?

We will have a study room where parents can stay with their children and do quiet activities. Parents must be present with their children if using the study room unless they are officially volunteering in another part of co-op.  If parents are not present, a student must be signed up for study/activity hall, which is $25/month. 


What safety precautions are being taken in light of recent school shootings?

Doors remain locked at all times for safety reasons, and long range walkies are used throughout co-op in every area of co-op.  Our front door security/Admin team is trained as far as co-op and general safety policies. At any given time, around 11 parents on-site are trained in weapons and/or self-defense, and will conceal carry with licenses to ensure student safety.  We also have a private security guard on-site during co-op days who monitors the area and patrols. Many of our on-site parent volunteers are former and current Military, Security, and Law enforcement. We will also be implementing safety and fire drills in the Fall of 2023.  We conduct multiple yearly co-op wide meetings with a private security and investigation firm to continue to keep our children's safety and security ensured, and communicate the information and training received with parents, teachers and volunteers.


Are all teachers background checked, and will teacher bio’s be up soon?

Yes; all teachers, nursery staff and anyone else working with children must receive a background check. All teacher bio’s and class descriptions are now updated on the website. 


What is the cost for electives, and what days do they meet?

Electives range from $35 to $50 a month for once a week electives that meet on Monday and/or Wednesday, and the price depends on the teacher.  Pricing will be listed on the website soon.  Electives that meet Monday’s and Wednesday’s are $50/month. Most elective courses offer a $5 off discount for the second sibling.  Electives that require students to attend twice a week include Spanish 1 and 2, Theater, and Middle School Math/Algebra/Geometry, and High School Science.


Do parents have to volunteer?

During Group Learning Day, a parent either needs to volunteer on the Nursery, Admin., or teaching team.  If parents cannot volunteer for Group Learning due to work schedule, they may pay $150 instead of $100 per family.  For electives, parents do not have to volunteer, but if able, we can definitely use the help to keep costs down so that we do not have to hire extra Admin or nursery staff.  If you’re able to volunteer during electives, please email us – we certainly appreciate it!  Any volunteers working with children will need to receive a background check. There is a volunteer requirement for all parents to either help one hour for three months during a time that is needed by the co-op, or pay a $100 yearly opt out of volunteer fee. 


What does my Group Learning Day and Registration tuition cover? 

This covers admin supplies, (printer, ink, paper, office supplies), group events and holiday party supplies, PE/sports/recess supplies, cleaning/paper towel/hand soap supplies, flags, graphics help, promotional flyers, mission support, marketing, speakers, Spotify and academic curriculum group memberships, curriculum/supplies/teacher materials for group learning and electives,  websites for meet ups and co-op, non-profit fees, Group Learning Art and Science monthly supplies, and fee discounts for co-op helpers and teacher assistants if unable to secure enough volunteers.


Will students and family have chances to fellowship and build community?

Yes; our goal is to take frequent fun and or educational field trips, as well as to have occasional park days, along with Ladies Bible studies and worship events.  We will also attend local ministry and evangelism events that other churches host.  Too, we will have co-op parties for holidays, as well as summer camps and summer weekend workshops.  Some events will be held in the evenings and weekends so that working parents can be a part too. If you have suggestions for a God-honoring event or activity, please contact us!


Is the co-op a non-profit?

Yes; our co-op is a non-profit 501c3.


What if I want to take a Monday/Wednesday class, but it conflicts with another class that meets once a week on a Monday or Wednesday? 

Apart from a Middle School Math and up, High School Science, Spanish or Theater class, we should be able to accommodate this if you would like to attend a Monday/Wednesday class just once a week,  When you register for classes, you will just specify if you would like to do one or two days of classes which allow for 1-2 days.


There will also be multiple sections of the same class, for example, Spanish 1 has two sections on M/W afternoons.  This is done to help add in flexibility to the schedule so that students can fit in all of their desired classes. 


What if I go on vacation or miss a week?  Do I still need to pay the full price?  What about Federal Holidays, weather closure, or if teachers miss a class?

Full payment is always due regardless of classes missed or vacations taken for both all programs.  All programs are a 9 month program with payments expected for all 9 months in order to attend.  If outstanding fees are due, we will ask for full payment before returning to co-op in order to be fair to and honor the teachers and staff.  We are off for all Federal holidays, and full monthly payment will always still be due for shorter or longer months.  If teachers miss a class, we will do our best to find a qualified sub.  If we cannot find a sub and have to cancel class, the next month of class will be pro-rated by 1/4 or 1/8th  of the cost for each class missed that month.  Should weather be inclement and we need to cancel co-op for safety reasons, reimbursements will not be issued nor will there be make-up days. 



Will there be any study hall/study skills types of classes offered?

Yes; study hall is $25/month per hour for each individual student, and students will be able to work on homework, go outside if nice, watch Christian age appropriate educational videos, or do games and crafts depending on the day.  They will be monitored by an adult volunteer. For example, if a student needs a study hall on Monday and Wednesday from 12:30 - 1:30, the fee would be $25/month. Study hall is free for students whose parents are on-site and helping volunteer. 


Will you offer guidance on preparing high school transcripts and how to home school through middle and high school?

Yes; we will offer at least one workshop each semester to aid parents with this process.  Each workshop will be taught by a seasoned homeschool parent who has graduated children from homeschooling to a career and/or college.  Regent University also visits each semester to help in the same way.


How do Math classes work? 

All Math classes will meet both Mondays and Wednesdays.


Each student can request a math level assessment via email. 


Students may start mid-way through a Math class if they have been working on that particular math subject and have scored satisfactorily on the assessment test for that level of Math.


Students who are interested in taking a class may shadow the class before joining at no extra charge. 



Will there be an early bird discount?

Yes!  Registration for Fall of 2023 is now open.  Registration will be a non-refundable payment of $200, and a non-refundable payment of $150 if paid before March 30th of 2022.  If you would like an application, please email us.

Contact Us

Mrs. Holmes, Administrator

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