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Danelle Frisbie

Danelle grew up as a homeschooler with her rambunctious siblings
during a decade when few others were homeschooling. Under the
direction of her pediatrician mother, and the watchful eye of her
agronomist father, expectations for doing all things with excellence
were high. At age 7, little Danelle formed the "Bunny Foot Learning
Club" in her neighbor's shed, and sent out handwritten class
descriptions to all her neighbors, inviting them to join her animal
education classes! Though there have been many mountaintops and
valleys along life's path since, she never stopped being enamoured
with education and sharing the joy of learning with others.

Danelle holds a teaching degree, and has taught students of all ages
(elementary through collegiate), in a wide array of subjects since
1995. She has B.A. degrees in Education, Psychology, Spanish, and
Religion; a double M.A. concentration in Clinical Psychology and Human
Health and Development; with completed doctoral work under the same
emphasis. She stopped shy of her dissertation completion when her
first baby was born, and Danelle opted to step away from academia for
the life-changing, vital role of mothering. Danelle attended her
undergraduate years on a full ride scholarship for her writing; and
paid her way through graduate school by editing research publications
for tenured faculty and the university.

Danelle was grateful to find ways to plug in and serve from the very
beginning of Global Christian Co-op! She has used her artistic
ministry (Soleil Life Art: Photography & Design) as a photographer and
designer for GCC since its founding in 2021, and served as yearbook
designer and editor since that time as well. Danelle has a big heart
for children of all ages, empowering them with tools to navigate
life in healthy, positive, and Jesus-filled ways! Find additional
background information relevant to each class Danelle is teaching with
that class description.

Instructor for Praying Circles and Slaying Dragons, Ages 6 - 12 on Mondays

Praying Circles and Slaying Dragons is an exciting, triple-component, hands-on learning class
created by Danelle Frisbie that combines a wide array of subject matters (especially rich in sciences)
intersecting Biblical truths and God's promises; equipping children with the tools needed to stand firm
in faith, strengthen their personal prayer life, and share Jesus' love with others. Children grow as a
close-knit community of young friends and believers, while we learn to put on the full armor of God,
forgive quickly, and pray without ceasing -- all while having mountains of fun through our life learning
lessons and adventures together!

This class is primarily geared toward elementary grades (ages 6-12) with younger or older children
admitted on an individual basis with instructor approval. A high school version of this class has also
been created, and may be offered in the future as well - contact Danelle if interested.

Parental expectations: Provide your child's birthday to the instructor and your working cell for texts
and/or email for contact. Each child in this class will have a special day (during their birthday week or
another week if in a non-school month) where their interests and uniqueness as an awesome child of
God are tuned into. When possible, our lesson subject matter for that week will involve something of
special interest to the birthday student. Always send your child to class with a water bottle, notebook
or paper in a binder, and something to write with (pencils preferred). Children who do not yet write well
on their own are welcome. Weather permitting, class will frequently go outside for activities; please
have your child dress accordingly.

Tuition: $45/mo / $5 off 2nd sibling ($40) / $10 off 3rd+ siblings ($35)


Days: Mondays at 12:30 p.m and 1:30 p.m. (2 sessions offered)

Supply Fee: $55 helps to cover: printing, materials for a very large amount of hands-on activities we will
engage in almost every week of the school year, a prayer journal for each child to keep after we use this
through the year. Supply costs for this class go well beyond the supply fee charged. If you have a heart
for children and the subject matter, and are in a position to support them more, thank you for doing so!
Payments: can be made to 319-504-1460 via Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, or AppleCash. Checks to
Danelle Frisbie's teacher folder. 

Related Background

Danelle Frisbie has witnessed first hand true prayer-induced miracles throughout her life, including, but
not limited to, the radical healing of her husband’s Stage 3c cancer (with a 90% tumor blockage)
without the use of chemo or radiation. Danelle believes wholeheartedly in equipping children with the
capacity to pray circles around their fears, anxieties, questions, hopes, and dreams. In Christ we can
do all things, and apart from him, we are nothing but dust. Danelle has taught a wide variety of
subjects, and with children of all ages (elementary through collegiate levels) since 1995. She loves this
course in that it allows the intersection of many fields of study to come together at child-assessable
levels, and gives children a chance to reach out and impact others' lives as well. Danelle's graduate
focus in developmental health and clinical psychology, coupled with what God teaches us about the
power of prayer, the need to forgive and love others, and the utmost importance of children to him
(Matt 18:1-7) are at the root of this class.

Theme Songs:
Just Keep Praying by Matthew West
Help is on the Way by Toby Mac
Theme Verses:
We will pray in all things - James 5:13-16, Matt 18: 19-20, Eph 6:18
We will exemplify Christ’s love - 1 Cor 13:1-13
We will forgive - Mark 11:25, Matt 6:14-15, Matt 18:21-35

Contact Us

Mrs. Holmes, Administrator

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