Sophia Williams
Hello! My name is Sophia Williams and the Lord has been leading -sometimes waiting alongside- me since I was young. He has saved me from dry religion and blindness and complacency and bitterness and is still saving me today. I blame Him for all the good I get to enjoy on a regular basis in my life. Both my husband and I are from out of state and ended up being drawn to a little neighborhood church in Ocean View, joining the worship team and falling in love. Seven years later, we have 3 happy babies under 4.
Kids have always been my happy place and I have always been involved in caring for them in some form (camp counselor, youth leader, YMCA site director, day care owner, art camp director, ect.). It was a relief when the Lord gave me the grace to get my teaching license, earn a Master’s in Education and teach elementary art for Norfolk Public Schools starting in 2017. As an art educator, my goal is to facilitate excitement about creating. I want my students to experience the joy of creativity and for their confidence to grow in their own unique God- given abilities. My goal is not to groom little Van Gogh’s but to encourage children in the abilities they already have and see them branch out and try more.
Instructor for Art 2024, K - 5 and 6th and up, M/W
"If you can write you can draw," is the name of a book written by cartoonist Dov Fedler. This title describes a way of showing young artists how to understand what shapes and lines and composition they are seeing and then duplicating them by using observational drawing. We build on this skill by exploring the elements of art, trying different mediums like watercolor, collage, weaving, clay, acrylic and pen and applying the steps of the creative process. I am excited to infuse their projects with meaning from biblical truths about who God is and they are as creative beings and how important this ability is. We will also gain inspiration from picture books and other artists as well.
Ages: K-5th (M & or W 12:30 - 1:30), K - 8th (M & or W 1:30 - 2:30), and 6-12th (M & or W 2:30 - 3:30)
Cost: $50 per student with a $5 Sibling Discount, $45/month for one day
One-Time Art Supply Fee: $30/student
Payment can be made to: Cash APP: $Sophiaanwilliams ,Venmo: @Sophia-Williams-105,Cash
Late Fee- $5 late fee for payments made after the 5th
Please let me know if you need special payment arrangements in advance.
My email is sophiaannwilliams90@gmail.com