Tonya Bohannan
Good afternoon Parents and Students, I just wanted to take this time to introduce myself if we have never met before and welcome you to Global Christian Co-op. I have been a homeschooling mom for about 9 years now and have taught PE for 5 years. My husband and I and our three kids Sabre (21) Jacob (16 in October) and Nathan 14 are very active in karate, running (on the treadmill and outside with Mom), swimming, and my husband and I use to do Krav Maga three days a week Monday through Saturday at Savior Martial Arts. We all finally became black belts! Glory to God! We also participate in 5, 10k's and I did my first 13K in March of 2020! I am looking forward to my first marathon soon! We believe in lots of exercise, eating healthy and being wise about how to take care of God's temple that He gave us.
PE K - 5th / 6th & up, Music Appreciation/Praise Dance/Worship Ages K - 4, Hebrew Culture/Languages & Festivals - All Ages, ASL All Ages, All Classes on Wednesday's only
Music Appreciation/Praise Dance/Worship - Ages K - 4
In this Praise and Worship Class, we will learn all the many ways that countries praise our Lord and Savior! We will use many different instruments such as drums, percussion, and our bodies and voices to praise Jesus in every way we can. Cultures from all around the world celebrate and Praise Jesus with their hands lifted in different forms of dancing, and even shouting! I am excited to teach your children these different methods that they can carry on and teach you at home as well as their siblings. My hope is that they even take this into their families and teach their children such a free expression without limits for praising Yaweh!
Class Price: $40/month, sibling discount available, one time supply fee of $30
Payment for tuition: Cash and check, cash app $TonyaBohannan, venmo
Hebrew Culture/Languages & Festivals - All Ages
The purpose for this Hebrew class is to get you started with all the basics of Hebrew. You will learn numbers one through 100 as well as all of the their letters of the alphabet. You will also learn all of the days of the week as well as months of the year. You will get familiar with the Hebrew calendar and the specific Hebrew holidays, and why they and perhaps even we as Christians should celebrate them and hold them dear. You will also learn one or two short songs in Hebrew. I am excited to teach you all that I have been learning, and continue to learn about the Jewish culture, and hope that you are too!
Class Price: $40/month, sibling discount available, one time supply fee of $30
Payment for tuition: Cash and check, cash app $TonyaBohannan, venmo
PE - K - 5th / 6th & up
We will be starting our class out with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching and prayer every Wednesday, and this is just about the only thing I asked them to do every week as their homework.
​I will be teaching the kids this year the basics of soccer, softball, football, rugby, dodge ball, volleyball etc. We will also be doing some cardio and strength training exercises that I'm hoping they will not find too hard such as how to do a proper push up, sit up, burpee, squats, wall sit etc. We will also have some fun team building and group activities to make the class fun as we work hard!
Until about mid December, we will be staying outside until the temperatures go below 50゚ so please make sure your kids dress accordingly based upon whether or not they get cold or hot easily. I also will not have any helpers with me this year so sometimes it can be difficult to take kids to the bathroom during class time or to get water so please make sure to remind them to go the bathroom BEFORE PE class and have a bottle of water to bring with them as well as closed toed sneakers or Keens are really the only two that suffice for all the running around we do.
​Please feel free to text or call me on my cell if you have any questions or if you feel there's anything I need to know specific to your child. I have already been praying for all your kids for this year and continue during my personal prayer time every day. My cell is 757-759-5444 or you can certainly reach me through this email. I very much look forward to teaching, running, jumping and bonding with your kids this year!
Class Price: $40/month, sibling discount available, one time supply fee of $30
Payment for tuition: Cash and check, cash app $TonyaBohannan, venmo
ASL for all Ages
Students will learn the basics of signing the alphabet a through Z, numbers 1-100 and colors. They will also learn how to introduce themselves and have a short 5 to 10 minute conversation with someone who is deaf or also knows ASL. For their final exam each semester, they will have to know how to sign a song that we will all work on in class in ASL. We will perform and minister during our Christmas and End of Year events.
Class Price: $40/month, sibling discount available, one time supply fee of $20
Payment for tuition: Cash and check, cash app $TonyaBohannan, venmo